To Finish Divine: Okay...let's try this again, shall we?

To Finish Divine

or the state of my knitting and quilting UFOs and other unfinished business...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Okay...let's try this again, shall we?

I know, I know, I've said it so many times before. But this time I really, really mean it. I am sincerely going to try to keep posting on a regular and timely basis on this blog...after all, why did I even start it if I wasn't going to be holding myself accountable with it? That was one of my main purposes for beginning it in the first place. So, with that said...

Happy New Year! I'm a little late..but it is still January and my tree is still up, although it is naked. (And artificial, should you be concerned about fire hazards). Again..unfinished business.

There is so much that has happened since my last posting, besides the fact that six months have passed. Some majorly important things have happened and not so major. If it's even possible, I have been busier than ever. Not an excuse, just a statement of fact. Hopefully I will be able to account for my whereabouts for the hiatus, but until then, it's a new year, so a new start.

Speaking of starts, I am going to attempt the "52 books in 52 weeks" thing again. I made it to 42 books last year, and I know I could have reached my goal if I hadn't been so lacksidasical over the summer with my reading. I don't regret my accomplishment of 42. Actually, I had students and friends alike giving me titles and asking about my progress. And it was interesting keeping a list of what I had read..that part alone was worth it. So, now that I am starting the month already behind by 3 books, we're off. I will keep last year's list up for awhile and start anew with this year's tally.

There has been some progress on the knitting front..but not so much on the quilting UFOs/projects. Some holiday knitting was finished, other items weren't started until after the holidays, but it's all good. I will post some photos soon, when it's not after 11 pm and past my bedtime. So, good night for now.


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