To Finish Divine: It's the First of What???....

To Finish Divine

or the state of my knitting and quilting UFOs and other unfinished business...

Monday, October 01, 2007

It's the First of What???....

and I am mentally still in July somwhere! Yikes! Okay...I suppose I can blame some of my shock on the crazily warm weather that we have been having here in Southern New England. It has been unseasonably mild and I have been wearing t-shirts and sandals for weeks. That alone has definitely extended September (or even August) in my mind. Today was the first time that I actually broke out a sweater when returning from my Spanish class. By the way; la clase de espanol esta bien, gracias!

Let's see...what has been going on besides my seasonal time warp. I have been diligently working on all of my Ravelry swaps...making my bag for my HSKS3 swap partner (its in it's final stages, yarn and needles and pattern have arrived and I am just finishing up the final touches to the stitch markers and other goodies). I have also chosen my scarf yarn and pattern for my Ravelry Scarf Swap partner. I love the yarn and hopefully it will work well with the chosen pattern..otherwise I will have to find something new. I am also enjoying finding goodies to go along with this little swap. So much fun!

Hmmm...what else..I have even managed to make some progress on my personal knitting. I have been plugging along on my Jaywalker socks...I should have some pictures up soon; I just have to unload my cards from my camera. I also started and already have done about half of it, a cardigan from Vogue Knitting Fall 2006. It is called "Oversized Cardigan", a not very creative but pretty apt description of this sweater. I found some Paton's "Pebbles" yarn at the local dollar store last year and bought 20 skeins of it with no idea what I was going to do with it. When I saw this pattern last year, I bookmarked it. Now that it is almost sweater weather, I decided to cast on for it last week. It is done on size 13 needles with bulky yarn, so it is working up really fast. I will have pics up soon for it too.

On the quilting front, I pieced a lap size throw for one of my quilting guild's summer challenge. We had to make something out of apx. 20 different black and white 10" squares that we swapped amongst ourselves. A recognizable piece of everyone's fabrics had to appear in our finished piece. We could only add one additional color/fabric to the B&W's. I used the traditional red, piecing the top from the Atkinson Design Book "Happy Hour". It came out cute, although I did not manage to get it quilted in time for our big reveal a few weeks ago. So, in order to combat my notorious un-finished-itis, I also managed to piece and finish a little hand bag using a wonky log cabin block and the red/black/white fabrics. I literally started it 4 hours before our projects were to be presented at the quilt guild and managed to get it done. See what I can do under pressure? It came out pretty to follow.

Guess that's it for now. I need to finish up some of my spanish tarea. Hasta luego amigos!


At 2:59 PM, Blogger Piglottie said...

The Spanish sounds impressive, although I have no idea what you are saying :) Sounds like you have been busy.


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